Acupuncture Meridians & Fascial Lines

The picture shows the fascial plane of the superficial back line (SBL) which corresponds closely to the UB meridian.
This image is based on extensive research into fascia, as presented by Tom Myers in his book Anatomy Trains. His research is based in Western science, anatomy, and dissection of cadavers.
Through understanding current findings on the fascia and their lines of connection, we can gain a deeper insight into the meridians and the effects of acupuncture.
Acupuncture points on the UB meridian (SBL) on the legs and around the ankle can treat conditions like lumbar pain, neck pain, and occipital headaches. Points like UB 40, UB 57, and UB 60 are commonly used for treating these conditions.
This image reveals a direct Western anatomical basis for comprehending how UB points on the legs can benefit the back, neck and occipital region.
Acupuncture Meridians & Myofascial Lines

These images reveal the myofascial anatomy of meridians and are based on extensive research into fasci as presented by Tom Myers in his book Anatomy Trains.
Understanding modern findings on myofascial lines can give acupuncturists deeper insights into the meridians and the effects of acupuncture.
Knowledge of myofascial anatomy can be integrated into the traditional methods and helps with diagnosis, point selections, and to increase clinical effectiveness. ​
This image reveals a direct Western anatomical basis for comprehending how UB and GB meridian points on the legs can benefit the shoulders, back, neck, and more.
Acupuncture anatomy & the Meridians
Fascial Line Anatomy
Muscle groups are bound together in fascial lines which provide both structural and functional support.
The image of the back and arms show how various muscles are interconnected through the fascia. On the left side of the image we see the Deep Back Arm Line (DBAL), which is similar to the SI meridian. The right side of the image shows the Superficial Back Arm Line (SBAL) which includes much of the SJ and LI meridians.
A thorough understanding of fascial line anatomy, tensegrity, and meridian system connections, provides a solid foundation for getting better clinical results with acupuncture.

Integrating Fascial Plane Anatomy with Your Knowledge of Meridians & Acupuncture,
Will Give You a Whole New Command of Point Functions and Clinical Results.
The fascial planes hold many keys to understanding the actions and indications of acupuncture points.
Learn the anatomical and fascial basis for how acupuncture points work.
An anatomical basis for the meridians based in myofascial anatomy, allows for a complete system of pattern identification and syndrome differentiation.
An essential part of meridian therapies is understanding channel relationships. For instance, the internal - external relationships between the meridians is a core dynamic of acupuncture protocols. Similarly, the meeting and crossing points between meridians is a key to getting better results.
How Well Do You Know Anatomy?
GB 20 & GB 21 - Meeting points of the GB and SJ Meridians
Lateral Line / LL

These two images reveal some important things about the shao yang relationship between the GB and SJ meridians. The points GB 20 & GB 21 are said to be crossing points of the GB and SJ meridians. From the image we can see that the Lateral Line (LL) / GB meridian includes the splenius capitis and sternocleidomastoid muscles.
The image of the arm muscles, deltoids and trapezius if what is known as the Superficial Back Arm Line (SBAL). This fascial line includes many of the SJ and LI meridian points.
While we think of GB 21 as being on the GB meridian, we can see from the image that it is on the trapezius and the SBAL. We can also see that the trapezius attaches in the region of GB 20.
GB 20 and GB 21 are strongly associated with the SBAL and SJ meridians, and this is why we can use SJ 3 and SJ 5 to treat pain in the areas of GB 20 & GB 21.
Do you know how to needle SJ 3 and SJ 5 to treat this area,
and what distal points are best paired with them to treat GB 20 & GB 21 pain?
How well do you understand the anatomy of meridian relationships?
In traditional theories of the meridians, we speak of the connections between the channels as defined by internal - external relationships, the horary cycle, and meridian name designations.
For instance, the yang ming channels of the ST and LI are an important meridian connection. We can use points on the ST meridian to treat the LI, and vice a versa, LI points can treat the stomach.
Similarly, the jue yin connection between the LV and PC means we can use PC points like PC 6 to treat liver patterns. Understanding these meridian relationships, as well as the fascial anatomy behind it, is essential to mastering the art and science of acupuncture.
Learning fascial line anatomy and how this relates to the diverse meridian connections is a keystone of improving your practice.

The tai yang channels join where the rhomboids and levator scapulae attach to the spine.
"I studied and practiced Tung's points for 6 years, and after I learned about the fascial plane model, my knowledge and clinical results improved dramatically."
Increase Your Understanding of Anatomy, Muscle Groups,
Meridian Systems & Advanced Acupuncture Techniques
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Bali, May 2025
Acupuncture & Fascia Online Course
The course Acupuncture and Fascia - 201 will give you ever greater insights into anatomy, myofascial planes, meridian systems, and special points such as used in Tung style acupuncture.
Whether you're at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level, this course will give you the tools and knowledge to improve your clinical results. The course includes:
In depth coverage of over 50 points
6 PDF files on each of the fascial planes
5 hours of detailed video files
5 hours of audio recordings
Immediate access to files
Email support
Approved by the NCCAOM for 12 PDA's / Continuing Eduction Units

Get the Course Today for $299

Other Features of the Course - Tung's Points & The Balance Method
This course also gives a thorough overview of the fundamentals of the Balance Method, and a special group of points known as Master Tung's points. They are presented in the class as the concepts and points demonstrate many principles of fascial plane anatomy.
Many of Tung's points are close to and overlap with traditional acupuncture points. These points also uniquely reveal how connective tissues are involved in acupuncture. For instance, the points on the achilles tendons are frequently used for occipital headaches, neck pain, brain disorders and whiplash. The points are located directly in the achilles tendon and have similar functions to KI 3 and UB 60 but are much stronger in effect.
Many other Tung's points also demonstrate how the fascia and connective tissues play a role in acupuncture. Additionally, the Balance Method and Tung's systems provide a good bridge between traditional concepts and modern anatomical knowledge about fascia.

"Awesome course! What a complete treat to get such academic rigor. You really did the work. I've been using this information in my practice to great effect. Thanks for the great presentation. I really like the format of being able to go back and go over your lectures. It's taken me some few weeks to finish the first course, and it's so convenient to be able to go back and hear your presentations again and follow in the notes. I really liked the videos, too. Great setup. Very easy operation. Top marks for an online course!"
- Chris Huson L.Ac.
"I found your material rich, and plan to watch the videos again, as it is a lot to digest in just one go-round. I have been seeking this material for a long time. I am very pleased with your presentation of the information, and look forward to the shoulder class once I get a firmer grasp on the basics from this 201 class."
- Elizabeth Kerle L.Ac.
"I loved the content of your classes. I feel that I have had a lot of good results using your protocol in general. It was very helpful to think about things in layers to pinpoint how to choose the points with my chronic pain patients. I love the exercises for the hips."
- Lily Coogan
James' classes are excellent! I have been able to finally "connect the dots" with his fascial planes information. He has taken Tom Myers and Ida Rolf's fascial work into the acupuncture meridian system. The complexity and details of these fascial planes have been striped away to become a starting point for me to learn their usefulness. (I have read a small portion of Tom Myers' Fascial Planes text. It is excellent, but detailed and not immediately useful for my patients.) James' classes helped immediately in my understanding of how these fascial planes work, how to incorporate acupuncture points distally. For example, I have used Ling Gu and Dai Bi with tremendous success, but not with everyone. Now I understand why. More importantly, now I can use my current acupuncture knowledge, add the fascial planes and the musculoskeletal system networks to make new point prescriptions for better and faster patient outcomes. Thank you, James, for making the complex fascial system useful for my clinical work. I have already used what I have learned and put it into clinical use.
- Dr. Mary Jennings
"I would highly recommend this course (214) and all the fascia/Tung courses .While in acupuncture school, I became aware of Tom Myers work (on my own, as they did not covert this material) but did not know how to begin to integrate it into my acu treatments. I love this way of thinking. The material is presented in a logical and accessible manner. Very satisfied with what I learned in this course and happy to bring it to my patients"
- Stephen Longo L.Ac.
"These courses provide unique, valuable, and immediately useful understandings of acupuncture points and meridians through the perspective of fascial planes and anatomy. His presentations are clear and thorough, and his emails are generous with instructive information. Highly recommend!"
- Shelley Baldridge
"Great courses, this will greatly enhance my effectiveness in treatments. As a PT, I have been working with manual myofascial release for many years and additional TCM acupuncture has been beneficial for me. I know your courses will deliver even better results."
- Paul d B.
"As an acupuncturist I feel fortunate to live at a time where Chinese medical knowledge is widely available but even so, the practical use of this knowledge is often obscure. For myself the Master Tung system is one of these puzzles. I was pleasantly surprised that Jim’s Master Tung Fascia Course wasn’t just another paint by numbers Tung style course, but presented progressive ideas of fascial planes, anatomy and channel theory that help explain Tung point indications. Through this Jim’s course has helped me get beyond memorizing points for symptoms to a deeper layer of clinical reasoning behind the Tung points. The format was better than expected with well-paced knowledgeable audio files (no rambling on) that referred appropriately to the relevant visually rich slides"
- Paul Burns, Registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner, AUSTRALIA
This material has really improved my treatments. I have been getting faster, more consistent results because I have a much better framework of how and when to use particular Dao Mas and how to use them in combinations for even better results. I have listened to the recordings multiple times and feel like I get some new nugget each time. This material is so useful, particularly in a community acupuncture clinic where treatment strategies need to be easy to administer and precise. Thank you so much Jim! I just bought the next course for internal medicine as well!
- Sarah Street, Sol Centered Community Acupuncture, Colorado
"I have been practicing Master Tung's points and Dr.Tan’s Local & Global balance method for the last 2 years. After I enrolled in Master Tung's Points and Fascial Planes course by James Spears, I was introduced to a completely new dimension of acupuncture, and news ways to look at my practice. This course has not only improved my understanding of anatomy, but considering fascial planes is giving me additional insights to connective tissue dynamics (which is also helpful for needling depths estimation). My clinical outcome has been quickly improving since taking this course and hopefully will improve even more with time.
An example of practicing with my new understanding using Fascial Planes. It is well known that while LU channel alone can clear the BL channel, however for Thoracic pain on UB around & behind Scapular area 22.08 & 22.09 worked excellently because of the relationship of the Deep Fascial Line which lies on SI channel."
- Ismail Ratlamwala, Mumbai, India
"After years of searching for a practical understanding of the mechanism behind the use of distal points, I stumbled upon the work of James Spears.
Inspired by the work of Thomas Myers and his book Anatomy Trains, Dr. Spears has married the functionality of the points of the Tung System and Balance Method with the physical form of the fascial planes.
With this clearly explained, the practitioner gains the ability to plan with greater precision in order to achieve the intended result.
Dr. Spears has provided a portal of understanding and clarity into patterns of injury and dysfunction and how our needles can best address them. This has given a literal new dimension to treatment planning and application that is very satisfying and produces more effective results.
Furthermore, Dr. Spears provides an easy-to-follow model for diagnosis and choosing the most effective points. With this information, I didnt walk away with the feeling that "something was missing." There is no mystery here.
I think this information is absolutely essential for practitioners who want to take their diagnostic skills and treatment results to the next level."
- Beth Jones Lic. Ac.