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the Global Balance method & Meridian Circuit Systems
A Book and Online Course for Acupuncturists

In Meridian Circuit Systems you will learn a channel based approach to pattern identification and treatment, which is similar to the Global Balance Method as taught by Dr. Richard Tan.  


Using the relationships that exist between the meridians as defined by their traditional Chinese names, the internal-external associations, and the horary cycle, we will identify the 15 major circuits that are formed from the connections between the meridians. 

Let's see how this system works.

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The Tai Yin - Yang Ming Circuit Pattern

This circuit is used when lung and digestive patterns occur together. Zang-fu patterns such as spleen and lung qi deficiency, and spleen damp causing lung phlegm accumulation are related to this circuit.


Understanding the meridian circuits also helps us to better grasp the functions of Master Tung's points.  For instance, the Four Horses on the stomach meridian can treat lung disorders.  

LU   -   LI
 -          -
SP   -   ST
Using a meridian based form of pattern Identification is an essential part of both the Balance Method, and Master Tung's Acupuncture Techniques. 
ST   -   LI
 -          -
PC   -  LV

The yang ming meridians of the large intestine and stomach connect to the lungs and spleen, as we've seen above.


However, the yang ming also connect to the jue yin to form the yang ming - jue yin circuit pattern as seen here.  


This circuit may be used for numerous patterns including: liver qi stagnation, liver fire, liver overacting on the stomach, etc.  

The Yang Ming - Tai Yin Circuit Pattern

Yang Ming Circuit Patterns

The yang ming meridians connect to both the tai yin and the jue yin. Therefore, when treating digestive patterns it is essential to distinguish between these two yang ming patterns.


By doing meridian based pattern identification you will gain a more clear perspective on selecting points.  


This is an essential part of both the Balance Method and Master Tung style acupuncture.  


The Yang Ming - Jue Yin Circuit 

ST   -   LI
 -          -
PC   -  LV

   The Yang Ming - Tai Yin Circuit 

ST  -   LI
 -          -
SP   -  LU

Yang ming digestive and channel disorders occurring with spleen or lung imbalance should be treated with this circuit pattern.  

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Stomach and Large Intestine Issues can be Rooted in the Jue Yin or Tai Yin Organs

Yang ming digestive and channel disorders rooted in liver or pericardium imbalance should be treated with this circuit pattern.  

Compare and Contrast 
How Meridian Circuit Systems Integrate with Zang-fu Theory

Let's take a common pattern like liver qi stagnation.  We know that this syndrome manifests with characteristic symptoms such as headaches, eye pain, menstrual pain, rib-side fullness and various digestive conditions.

Now in each case, not all symptoms will be present. A person with digestive problems due to liver qi stagnation, may not necessarily have headaches.  

Similarly, a client with liver stagnation may have headaches, eye and shoulder tension, but may not have digestive symptoms.

So given that each client has different symptoms for the same pattern, we need to adjust our point prescriptions and the meridians we use for treatment. 


The circuits below demonstrate how a zang-fu pattern can be subdivided by understanding meridian circuit theory.

abdominal pain man.jpg
ST   -   LI
 -          -
PC   -  LV

Use this circuit for liver patterns affecting the digestive system.

SJ    -  GB
 -          -
PC   -  LV

Use this circuit for liver patterns in the head, neck, eyes, or ears. 

Integrating Meridian Circuit Theory with Zang-Fu Pattern Identification Allows for Greater Diagnostic and Treatment Outcomes 

The key to getting better results with acupuncture is having a greater understanding of what meridians and points should be used for each client we see.  


With Meridian Circuit Theory we are integrating various systems to easily deduce the best points to use.  When this system is mastered it becomes possible to use fewer needles and get better results for numerous symptoms and patterns.  


A major advantage of using a meridian based approach to syndrome differentiation, is that it simplifies the diagnostic process, while creating more accuracy in identifying the primary root patterns of disharmony that are responsible for the patients symptoms.  


Regardless of what style of acupuncture you use, Meridian Circuit Systems will give you an edge in diagnosis and treatment.


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  • The Meridian Circuit Systems Book


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