Learn Thai Massage in Thailand
Journey to Thailand and learn Thai massage in Chiang Mai with the Integrative Healing Society. With our extensive experience in Thailand were are able to provide the best in Thai massage training and education along with courses on acupressure, qi kung, yoga, and Chinese medicine.
In addition to various Thai Massage classes, we supplement the training with workshops on meridians, sen lines, myofascial lines, and acupressure. Workshops and retreats that include yoga, structural integration, and qi kung can be included in the trainings and can help improve your Thai massage techniques.

We can also help you plan your personal trip or organize a group event for your school or organization. With over 15 years of experience in the Thailand healing, massage, and retreat scenes we are well equipped to make sure you get the most out of your training and holiday.

Join Us for a 5, 7, or 12 Day Tour
In the first 5 days you will learn fundamentals of Thai massage. The class also includes massage in the front position and techniques unique to Thai massage such as assisted yoga-like stretches, acupressure, and how to use your body weight while applying pressure with the thumbs, palms, elbows, knees, and feet. There is also a focus on abdominal work with the Hara. ​
During the second week we will deepen our studies and learn Thai massage in the side, prone, and sitting positions. Additional teachings will be given on assisted stretching.
Custom and Personalized Dates & Tours are Available for Both Individuals and Groups
Our Next Scheduled Event & Curriculum
Arrive in Chiang Mai
First Course Starts
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Thai massage training, concepts, techniques, front massage, and abdominal work.
Weekends - Special Training in Acupressure, Meridians, and Myofascial Lines (1:00am - 4:00pm, 3 hours)
Second Week Studies - For students that completed the first course in the previous week they can move onto the second class to learn Thai massage techniques for the back, lateral, and sitting positions.
Final Group Dinner and Closing Events
Departure and Complete the Group Tour
Our one and two week programs are popular courses of study. We can also arrange for additional training, and offer special events at various times through the years. Be sure to join our mailing list or contact us for the next available course dates.

1 Week - $1199 - Level 1 (Save 10% - Book Before 2024)
2 Weeks - $2,199 - Level 1 & 2 (Save 10% - Book Before 2024)
Price includes accommodations, tuition, 3 group dinners per week, a special weekend training on acupressure, meridians, and sen lines, and airport pickup.
Reserve Your Seat Now!
Make a $500 deposit to reserve your spot on this incredible adventure tour.
Thai Massage, Sen Lines, Meridians, & Myofascia Lines
Thai massage works with the concept of energy lines or sen lines. These are similar to the meridians in Chinese medicine, and sen lines are believed to be pathways where energy flows. The concept of energy is common in Thai medicine, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and yoga. Studies on how the fascia connect muscles, provides a myofascial and anatomical basis for traditional ideas about energy lines.
A detailed study of meridians, sen lines, and myofascial anatomy reveals many similarities between the pathways. Essentially, the meridians and sen lines follow the natural geometry of the body and divide it into various planes. For instance, there are meridians on the anterior, posterior, and lateral portions of the body. Similarly, there are superficial and deep myofascial lines that correspond to different levels of the meridians. By learning how traditional energy Iines relate to myofascial anatomy we can better understand traditional Thai massage.

Siamese Pressure Massage Manual

These image show the myofascial lines, which are groups of muscles interconnected through fascia. Myofascial lines look very similar to acupuncture meridians and sen lines and they follow similar pathways in the body.
By learning about myofascial lines it helps to better understand traditional concepts about meridians. Additionally, knowing about myofascial lines explains many things about acupressure and how to get better results when using acupressure for neck, back, and shoulder pain. For instance, there are many pressure points on the legs for back pain. When you know where the points are located, and how they connect to distant muscles through the sen lines and myofascial lines, you can get more benefits by combining acupressure and massage.
Thai Massage & Acupressure
Thai massage techniques also include acupressure in their sequences. During a Thai massage the therapist presses in specific ways along the sen lines and meridians. Using palm pressure and various techniques with the thumbs major acupressure points are stimulated. While there are various ways to practice acupressure, one of the strengths of acupressure in Thai massage is that it stimulates all of the meridians and sen lines during a massage session. This has a holistic effect on the body and increases its benefits.
In some forms of massage and acupressure emphasis is placed on a specific area. For example, if a client has neck pain a massage therapist may focus mostly on the neck. However, Thai massage takes a much more holistic approach by using acupressure and sen lines. In this example, a Thai massage therapist will also spend time massaging the leg lines, arm lines, and front of the body.
Read more about acupressure for neck and shoulder pain.

Thai Yoga massage & Assisted Stretching
Sometimes you may hear Thai massage referred to as Thai yoga massage because Thai massage will often use assisted stretching that is similar to yoga poses. It is common for a Thai massage therapist to use various leg stretches, and hip and shoulder movements that are used in yoga poses such as forward bends, bridge, bow, and other poses.
By including stretching into the massage routine additional benefits can be achieved such as increased flexibility, greater range of motion, and improved joint mobility. Assisted stretching is unique to Thai massage therapy and something that many clients enjoy.
While learning Thai massage, assisted stretching also helps us to better understand how joints move and function, and this can be very valuable for massage therapists.